Procedures and markings in the file JPK_V7
From October 01, 2020, the obligation to send a new JPK_V7 file to the KAS gates comes into force, which replaces the current VAT declaration and JPK_VAT file. This change will extend the existing reporting obligations to three areas:
MoreGTU Codes - Detailed Reference
Grouping of Goods and Services - what is it about?
From October 01, 2020, the obligation to send a new JPK_V7 file to the KAS gates comes into force, which replaces the current VAT declaration and JPK_VAT file. The new electronic document is a combination of the declaration and registration parts, which must be additionally supplemented with new GTU codes. The seller is obligated to mark the delivered goods and services with the appropriate GTU code in the JPK_V7 file. The sale of goods that are not listed in the catalog remains unmarked. The GTU code grouping catalog itself consists of 13 items:
MoreDocumenting WDT - changes in regulations in 2020
In order to apply the 0% rate VAT to intra-Community supply of goods, the taxpayer should have documents confirming the export of goods to another EU country. According to EU Council Implementing Regulation 2018/1912 of December 4, 2018. from January 01, 2020 in force presumption of exportation of goods to another EU country on the basis of having appropriate documentation.
MoreMandatory split payment method
Split payment method
The split payment method (MPP) in a mandatory form for some transactions enters into force from November 1 2019.
MPP includes invoices for transactions that meet two conditions in total:
- the transaction concerns the acquisition of goods and services listed in Appendix 15 to the VAT Act, which includes transactions for the purchase of goods and services mentioned so far in Annex 14, 13 and 11 of the VAT Act, covered by the reverse charge mechanism and joint and several liability, and inter alia parts and accessories for motor vehicles, coal and carbon products, electrical machinery and equipment, their parts and accessories,
- the total receivable resulting from the invoice (ie the gross value of the entire invoice) exceeds the value of PLN 15.000,00.
MoreAmended tax regulations regarding depreciation rules
One-time depreciation - amended tax regulations
The Act of 7 July 2017 amending the Personal Income Tax Act and the Corporate Income Tax Act introduces the possibility of one-off depreciation on acquired, brand new machinery and equipment included in groups 3-6 and 8 of the Classification of Fixed Assets. Therefore, the investment relief does not cover the purchase of real estate and means of transport. The initial value of the fixed asset should be at least PLN 10. The PLN 10 threshold may be met by purchasing at least two fixed assets, with the initial value of each individual investment exceeding PLN 3.500.
MoreLowering the limit of cash transactions
From January 01, 2017, the limit of cash transactions between enterprises referred to in art. 22 paragraph 1 of the Freedom of Business Activity Act to 15.000,00 PLN.
The new rules apply for transactions concluded from January 01, 2017.
MoreRevenue and cost adjustment - change of regulations
Correcting invoices recognized in the month of issue
From January 1, 2016, corrective invoices issued as a result of receiving the return of goods, granting discounts or increasing the price resulting from the terms of the contract are to be recognized as a revenue adjustment in the settlement period in which the corrective invoice was issued, by reducing or increasing revenues