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Our short assumptions anti-crisis shield:

  1. Exemption from the payment of ZUS contributions for 3 months (according to declarations submitted for the period from March to May) based on the application submitted for:

    • companies employing up to 9 employees as at February 29, 2020, if the employer was registered as a contribution payer before February 1, 2020. The exemption applies to contributions for the entrepreneur and the persons working for him,
    • self-employed persons paying contributions only for themselves who conducted business activity before February 1, 2020, with operating income (in the first month for which the application is submitted) up to the amount of PLN 15.681,00.

IMPORTANT !! Only ZUS contributions paid are subject to income and tax deduction. Consequently, exempting entrepreneurs from paying ZUS contributions in part for an employer will not constitute tax deductible costs.